The Bunschoten Fund is a Public Benefit Organization (ANBI, or ‘Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling’). On this page you will find the information which we, as an ANBI, are required to publish, or links to that information.
Name of institution
Stichting Het ir. Etward Bunschotenfonds (The Bunschoten Fund)
Fiscal number
8503 43 872
Contact information
You will find our address, email address and telephone number here.
Members of the Board and member names
The Board of the foundation is formed by Mr. D. Weewer (chairman), Mr. O.A. Balkenende (secretary) and Mr. R.G. Muller (treasurer).
The Bunschoten Fund provides financial support for culture and preservation of culture, especially in the area of classical music in the Netherlands.
Outlines of the policy of Stichting Het ir. Etward Bunschotenfonds (The Bunschoten Fund)
The goal of the Fund is to use the fruits and income from its capital to periodically give financial support to Dutch institutions in the area of classical music.
The capital of the Fund has been bequeathed to the Fund by Mr. Willem Frederik Bunschoten, under inheritance law. From the income from the capital of the Fund, (half-)yearly gifts are donated to institutions which will be assigned by the Board. This assigning will happen, preferably, during the half-yearly meetings in March or September of any given year. During the meeting in March, the annual report of the previous calendar year is also approved. During the half-yearly meeting the incoming applications are considered. The applications need to address the goals and the policy of the Fund.
The capital must be managed in such a fashion that it endures and that, additionally, there is a reasonable outlook on income that can be used for its intended goal. If in any given calendar year, as a result of stock exchange developments, the capital falls below the amount that is considered to be a desirable, index-linked amount, it may be still be decided to make certain disbursements to the intended goal. However, the capital needs to be brought up to standard in the following years. When in any given year a surplus of revenues exists that can, in the opinion of the board, not be used for its intended goal in a meaningful way, this amount will have to be reserved for extra disbursements in the following years.
Renumeration policy
The Fund has no personnel, the members of the Board receive no salary. There is however the option of reimbursing expenses. In such a case this is established in a Board decision. Whenever the services of professional parties are used, normal business transaction expenses can be paid. Board members can receive a remuneration for attending meetings according to the ‘Attendance fee resolution’.
Liquidation of the Fund
When the Fund is liquidated, the liquidation balance must be used for goals that fit the goals of the Fund.
Report of activities
2012 All of the budget for 2012 (plus an extra amount) was spent on a contribution to the Grachtenfestival (Amsterdam Canals Festival), in particular to the series Terra Incognita. A contribution of € 50,000 has been paid to the Grachtenfestival (paid in 2013).
2013 In 2013 Quick Scans were awarded to Stichting Noorderkerk Concerten and the Delft Chamber Music Festival. A Quick Scan is worth approximately € 5,000.00. The Grachtenfestival (Amsterdam Canals Festival) received a contribution of € 50,000.00. To support the book ‘Ken je klassiekers’ (‘Know Your Classics’) by Aldo Druyf, a gift of € 2,000.00 has been made available and 150 copies of the book were purchased for a sum of € 2,952.50.
2011 The budget of 2011 was spent on a contribution of € 2,000.00 to the initiative of Mr. Aldo Druyf for the book ‘Ken je klassiekers’ (‘Know Your Classics’). For a sum of € 3,000.00, 150 books were purchased to spread among primary and secondary schools in Amsterdam, The Hague and Bussum.
2014 In 2014 Quick Scans, worth approximately € 5,000.00 each were awarded to Stichting Tromp Muziek Biënnale (Tromp Music Biennale), the Holland Baroque Society and Stichting Internationaal Orgel Concours (International Organ Competition). A further coaching program worth € 15,000.00 was awarded to the Stichting Tromp Muziek Biënnale as well as € 10,000.00 in cash for the Repertoire Days. The Delft Chamber Music Festival was awarded a coaching program worth € 20,000.00 and € 5,000.00 in cash for the Jong Talent Dag (Young Talent Day) of this Festival.
2015 In 2015, € 5,000.00 was awarded to the Holland Baroque Society for the renewal of their website. The Concertgebouwfonds received € 10,000.00 for the KleuterSinfoniëtta (the ‘Preschooler Sinfonietta’) (‘Who turns on the stars at night?’). The Pianoduo Scholtes-Janssens was awarded € 5,000.00 to establish a new foundation (with ANBI status) for the Piano Duo Festival. Stichting Amsterdam Youth Philharmonic and Stichting Oranjewoud both received a Quick Scan worth approximately € 5,000.00. The Koorbiënnale (Choral Biennale) received € 7,500.00. The Junior Grachtenfestival (Junior Amsterdam Canals Festival) was supported with a gift of € 15,000.00. Within the Junior Grachtenfestival the Bunschoten Jonger Talent Prijs (Bunschoten Younger Talent Award) has also been introduced, which will be given annually and that cost € 4,050.00 this year.
2016 In 2016 an amount of € 5,000.00 was awarded to the Amsterdam Young Philharmonic (AYPhil) for the first concert. The Oranjewoud Festival received a contribution of € 20,000.00, of which € 5,000.00 in money and € 15,000.00 in the form of a coaching trajectory. To obtain the ANBI status, a contribution of € 5,000.00 has been made available to the Wonderfeel festival; they also received a Quick Scan worth € 5,080.00. The Bunschoten Fund provided Operadagen Rotterdam (Opera Days Rotterdam) with a Quick Scan worth € 5,080.00 as well as a coaching program worth € 17,500.00. The Music Theater Association La Mascotte was given the opportunity to participate in Wijzer Werven (Acquire More Wisely) through a contribution of € 1,000.00. KAM received a Quick Scan worth € 5,080.00. The String Quartet Biennale Amsterdam received a contribution of € 15,000.00 to complete the fundraising. For the second year, the Bunschoten Jonger Talent Prijs (Bunschoten Younger Talent Award) was awarded during the Junior Canals Festival; of the total amount of € 4,050.00, € 1,500.00 went to the prize winner and the remaining amount to the organization.
2017 In 2017, the Peter de Grote Festival was awarded a Quick Scan worth € 4,200.00, a Quick Scan was also awarded to the Stichting Jonge Strijkers (Young Violinists Foundation), worth € 5,082.00, and a Quick Scan was awarded to the Academie voor Jong Talent (Academy for Young Talent) to the value of € 4,200.00, the Stichting Concertzender (Concertradio Foundation) has been awarded a Quick Scan worth € 5,082.00, the Stichting Jonge Strijkers (Young Violinists Foundation) has been awarded a gift worth € 12,000.00, € 5,000.00 in the form of a coaching trajectory and € 7,000 after the (successful) implementation of the findings of the Quick Scan, for the third year the Bunschoten Jonger Talent Prijs (Bunschoten Younger Talent Award) was awarded during the Junior Grachten Festival (Junior Canals Festival), of the total amount of € 4,050, € 1,500,00 went to the prize winner and the remaining amount to the organization.
2018 In 2018, the foundation Muze van Zuid (Muse of South Foundation) was awarded a Quick Scan worth € 4,250.00, a Quick Scan was also awarded to the Stichting Pianofest (Pianofest Foundation) worth € 5,082, and the stichting Academie voor Jong Talent (foundation Academy for Young Talent) was awarded a coaching program worth of € 10,000.00 and a sum of € 5,000.00 to spend on improving their means of communication, the stichting Muze van Zuid has been awarded a coaching program worth € 7,500.00, the Concertgebouwfonds (Concertgebouw Fund) has been awarded a gift worth € 16,500.00, € 15,000.00 in the form of a sum of money for the project ‘Fabeltjeskrant’ and € 1,500.00 to grant one hundred children free access to the performance. Stichting Kamermuziekateliers Nederland (Foundation Chamber Music Studios Netherlands) has been awarded a Quick Scan worth € 4,250.00, for the fourth year the Bunschoten Jonger Talent Prijs (Bunschoten Younger Talent Award) was awarded during the Junior Grachten Festival (Junior Canals Festival), of the total amount of € 4,050.00, € 1,500.00 went to the prize winner and the remaining amount to the organization.
2019 In 2019, a Quick Scan was awarded to the stichting Nederlandse Fluit Academy (Dutch Flute Academy) for a value of € 5,082.00, a Quick Scan for a value of € 4,250.00 was also awarded to the Seldom Sene Foundation, a cash donation was made to the stichting Strijkkwartet Biënnale Amsterdam (Amsterdam String Quartet Biennale Foundation) worth € 10,000.00, a donation has been made to the Princess Maxima Foundation for the purchase of a piano worth € 12,500.00, for the fifth year the Bunschoten Jonger Talent Prijs (Bunschoten Younger Talent Award) was awarded during the Junior Grachten Festival (Junior Canals Festival), of the total amount of € 4,050.00, € 1,500.00 went to the prize winner and the remaining amount to the organization, a Quick Scan has been awarded to the Princess Christina Concours foundation worth € 5,082.00, a Quick Scan has been awarded to the stichting Nederlands Jeugd Strijkorkest (Netherlands Youth String Orchestra Foundation) awarded to the value of € 4,250.00 and finally a gift of € 10,000.00 has been awarded to the Seldom Sene Foundation, of which € 5,000.00 is to improve their website and € 5,000.00 in kind in the form of a coaching trajectory.
2020 In the year 2020, the following payments were made: Stichting Omia Vincit, a Quick Scan worth € 4,250.00, Stichting NSKA, a Quick Scan worth € 5,082.00, Stichting Prinses Christina Concours (Princess Christina Competition), an amount of Coaching/money, worth € 17,500.00, Grachtenfestival Foundation, contribution to the Bunschoten Jonger Talent Prijs 2020 (Bunschoten Younger Talent Prize 2020), worth € 6,500.00, Apollo Foundation (Ensemble), a Quick Scan worth € 5,082.00 to the String Quartet Biennale Amsterdam, a cash prize worth € 10,000.00
2021 In 2021, the Stichting Dutch Double Bass Festival was awarded a Quick Scan worth € 5,082.00, Stichting Apollo Ensemble was awarded a combination of coaching/liquidities worth € 6,000.00, Stichting het Grachtenfestival Amsterdam received a contribution – in the context of the Bunschoten Younger Talent Award 2021 – of € 6,500.00, the Stichting Eigen Muziekinstrument was awarded a guarantee contribution worth € 7,000.00 (which hasn’t beem claimed as of 2021), Stichting Pieterkerkconcerten was awarded a Quick Scan worth € 5,082.00, Stichting Stay Tuned was awarded a Quick Scan worth € 5,082.00, Stichting Prinses Maxima Foundation received a contribution (for the tuning of the piano that was given) worth € 107.50, and, finally, Stichting Dutch Double Bass Festival was awarded a combination of coaching and a financial contribution worth € 5,000.00.
‘For an overview of the 2011 income and expenses download the PDF’
‘For an overview of the 2012 income and expenses download the PDF’
‘For an overview of the 2013 income and expenses download the PDF’
‘For an overview of the 2014 income and expenses download the PDF’
‘For an overview of the 2015 income and expenses download the PDF’
‘For an overview of the 2016 income and expenses download the PDF’
‘For an overview of the 2017 income and expenses download the PDF’
‘For an overview of the 2018 income and expenses download the PDF’
‘For an overview of the 2019 income and expenses download the PDF’
‘For an overview of the 2020 income and expenses download the PDF’
‘For an overview of the 2021 income and expenses download the PDF’