1. Submit

Between October 1 and Februari 1, or between April 1 and August 1. You can submit your application online, digital only. Applications sent on paper will not be considered by The Bunschoten Fund.

2. Processing

Your application will be processed and checked for accuracy and papers by the bureau of The Bunschoten Fund.

3. Board meeting

  • The Board handles the applications annually in March and September.
  • Two of the applicants will be selected. One of the criteria is the possible use of a multiplier.
  • During this process, the Board is advised by a fundraising agency and, for classical music, by Hans Haffmans and/or Jurriaan Röntgen.
  • The two selected applications will be granted a Quick Scan and will be informed about this within four weeks.

4. Informal interview

When you are eligible for the Quick Scan, the Board will invite you to an informal interview. This will happen within four weeks.

5. Quick Scan

The fundraising advisor makes the Quick Scan and discusses it in the next Board meeting.

6. Decision

  • The Board assigns the eventual gift and decides which part is in kind [in the form of coaching] and which part in cash.
  • The applicant who has been turned down will in any case receive the Quick Scan report as a gift.
  • All those involved will be informed within four weeks.

7. Start coaching

If your request has been chosen, the fundraising advisor will contact you within four weeks for the start of the coaching trajectory.

8. Evaluation of the coaching trajectory

Six months after the Board’s decision of the definite assignment you will receive an evaluation form.